Team "Multifunction Sensor" strikes again!

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Tue Jan 22 15:14:28 EST 2002

Hey Tony, the 4kq water outlet sensor holes are 10mm X1  top, 14mm X 1.5 bottom.


> Rant mode on!
> Driving the CGT to work today and I wasn't paying attention to the temp
> gauge.  Just as I'm about to get on the freeway, I notice the temp gauge
> flashing overheat and the indicator is all the way to right.  I turn around
> and quickly head home to get one of my test jumpers. Pulled out the
> connector to the radiator's thermal switch and jumper first the low speed
> fan, then the high.  Both are working fine-WTF!  Then I remember that a low
> coolant level in the reservoir bottle will also cause a flashing condition,
> so I pull the connector on the bottle.  NG, its still flashing overheat on
> the digital display.  Only one thing left-the temp sensor.  I look down and
> there it is, the dreaded MF temp sensor.  SOB, I should have known.  Pull
> the connector boot off and a bunch of anti-freeze comes out with it.  If
> the CIS-E III dual temp sensor fits in the bottom of that spare 4kq upper
> hose nipple I've got, that !#$% MF sensor is coming out permanently!  This
> is the third time in 2 years I've been bit by this part and it always fails
> with the overheat sensor locked on.  I have more trouble with these than
> the door handles.
> Rant off.
> --
> Tony
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Tony Lum                                  1987 5000CS Turbo Quattro
> Berkeley, California, U.S.A.                1985 4000CS Quattro
> Audi Owner/Driver/Mechanic by Necessity ;^)   1980 5000S Sedan
> QCUSA Member #6885                             1987.5 Coupe GT
>                                                  1983 Ur-quattro
> _______________________________________________________________________

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