Ross-Tech VAG-COM

Bob mx at
Wed Jan 23 08:04:06 EST 2002

im not seeing where we are disagreeing here :)  I know they have beeen around and I
know right now its just he and his wife linda. Or are you disagreeing with me that I
change laptops a lot? ;-)

Im familiar with the disable function which is great but there were plenty of times
my laptop broke or got lost and that would not allow me to provide a disable code.
Uwe has answered a few of my questions promptly and thoroughly so I have no problem
with them at all, and dont have a doubt they will be around in a year. But without
an actual company behind him its more likely that one day he an change his mind and
just stop supporting the software. Nobody knows...and at $200 its not exactly a
shareware price.


Jon/Audi A4 wrote:

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> Bob,
> I would have to disagree with you on a couple points here.  First of all,
> I agree the licensing issue is a little burdensome if you are always
> changing laptops, OS's.  However he (the owner Uwe Ross) has built an
> enable/disable function into the software that will enable him to operate
> a business.  This function keeps people from sharing their codes over the
> internet, and it keeps him in business.  Check his "about me" section of
> his webpage:
> This software is his work.  They (him and his wife) have recently
> purchased an 02 A4 so that he can do testing on the latest product
> (protocols) from VAG.
> I have owned the software for almost a year now and I find him (Uwe Ross)
> to be the most responsive "software author" I have ever seen.  Check his
> postings on this discussion (his) forum:
> You will see more postings from him, answering questions than anyone else.
> He is very responsive and controlling with off-topic posts (he just
> doesn't allow it or them to post).
> I would be willing to wager more than $200 that Ross-Tech will be around
> for more than a year.
> Jon
> On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Bob wrote:
> > Ive thought about it, but I dont care for the way they license the software.
> > Work owns my pc, and it changes a lot, plus i travel a lot and have been known
> > to lose/break my laptop.. When this happens I have to email them with a new
> > serial number to get a new activation number. Pretty lame IMO. I upgrade my pc
> > every month or two and that would get pretty old.  Usually when I buy software
> > I get a license for life and not have to worry about depending on them every
> > time I do an install.  especially if I were to spend $200 on it now, and in a
> > year they're gone and I lose my pc! now what?!
> >
> > Bob
> >

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