after sales service

Mike Arman armanmik at
Wed Jan 23 13:12:48 EST 2002

>. But without
>an actual company behind him its more likely that one day he an change his
mind and
>just stop supporting the software. Nobody knows...and at $200 its not
exactly a
>shareware price.

For my money, he's MORE likely to be around and support his product than
some huge, faceless company.

Guy I know bought a brand new Apple III (or was it a Lisa?), for about 10K,
local Apple dealer fooled around trying to make it work for about three
weeks, and suddenly, Apple decided to discontinue the product - no more
tech support, nothing.

Except the law suit . . .

Large companies CONSTANTLY discontinue items or entire product lines.
That's one of the reasons this list is so successful - the total lack of
factory support for older Audis- older being defined as anything that is
out of warranty.

He's going to have a conscience - he'll remember YOU and $200 is a tangible
amount to him. $200 to Audi is less than the number of paper clips they
throw out every day.

I'd rather deal with smaller suppliers any time - with a small supplier, I
know who to call (not some idiot "customer service" droid), and I'm
important enough to be a customer, not a nuisance.

/rant mode off ;-)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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