[V8] RE: [s-cars] V8 or S4?

Edward J Kellock ekellock at juno.com
Thu Jan 24 23:53:16 EST 2002

The '91 V8 automatic is the slowest of the bunch.
It has the 3.6 litre engine and a different final drive
ratio that they put in to chase fuel economy, I think
3.89 or so.  The '90 V8's had the 4.11 as does the '91 5spd.

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 23:04:05 -0700 (MST) fjamoroso at webtv.net (Frank
Amoroso) writes:
> When I brought my '87 4kcsq (115 bhp pea-shooter at sea level) up to
> the
> thin air of CO, I was woefully lacking in the power dept. However,
> one
> day I was turning left, shifting gears, and trying to talk on the
> cell
> phone all at the same time (I know, I know, I was only 25 at the
> time,
> cut me some slack). I decided that I wanted a car with an automatic,
> so
> I could drive and get work done at the same time.
> "The V8 is a cool looking rare car," says I (but W in T F is up
> with
> those front brakes?!). So, I go drive an automatic '91 Lago Blue /
> Grey
> example that was for sale at the time for $12,000. COMPLETELY
> UNDERWHELMING. It was slow, and not at all what I had hoped for.
> "The '93 V8 w/ 4.2L motor is really, probably, the way to go," I
> exclaim. So, I go to Prestige Porsche / Audi to test drive a Black
> /
> Black '93 w/ 30k miles that they have on the lot (the GM's personal
> ride
> until it was replaced with an A8). Beatiful car, nice wood interior,
> and
> big comfy seats (the wife really liked them), integrated cell
> phone,
> etc. They were asking $30k, but I didn't care, because I wasn't a
> buyer
> anyway. Drove the car, and while it was quicker than the '91, it
> still
> didn't meet my expectations.
> Return from the test drive and, just for shits & grins, jump right
> into
> a Black / Black '93 S4 (that they were also asking $30k for) and
> take it
> for a spin. Sports seats, CF, 5 speed, white gauges, big wheels &
> tires,
> non-UFO brakes, more modern bodystyle. I knew immed. that this was
> the
> car for me. The excellence was (is) in the driving, and not a
> comparo of
> pros / cons put to paper.
> I went ISO an automatic and came back with the realization that that
> was
> just a pipe dream. Oh well, thought I, guess I'll need to fing a
> headset
> for my cellphone.
> 12 months later, I purchased my '93 S4, and I have never regretted
> it,
> for many reasons (supreme tweakability being one of them). Iv'e
> looked
> at a few V8s since then, but the lack of a turbo(s), a real
> transmission
> (never looked at the '91 5 speed, although a 4.2L 5 speed would
> have
> been very interesting), and nightmarish maintenance stories always
> kept
> me away.
> BTW, the only current Audi offering that I can get behind is an S3.
> I
> think that a '00 740iL and an S3 would combine to become the only
> likely
> succesor to my UrS.
> Frank at s-cars.org
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