S4 question

Al Powell powellae at attbi.com
Fri Jan 25 17:34:55 EST 2002

Kent asked:

Should I:

a) force him to deliver the fixed car at $11K,
b) spend less money on the V8, which I think
    I'd prefer.

I only made the offer on the S4 because I
thought it was a killer deal.

I don't have a preference - although I'd take the S4 because it's more to my
taste and will probably hold resale value better.

However, having been in the car biz for a while, remember that you can't buy
something for nothing.  It's not unfair (IMO) for a dealer who might have
$500 left in a deal to ask to re-negotiate when he finds out he has to spend
an unexpected $500 in repairs.

My suggestion would be - first, figure out which one you want.  if the V8,
the point is moot.  If the S4, I'd offer to split the difference of the
unexpected repairs at HIS cost - so he bears only half the actual increased

Al Powell
Fort Collins, CO
cougfan1 at gocougs.wsu.edu

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