advancing the cam...

Jay Rabe jeremiahrabe at
Fri Jan 25 19:43:44 EST 2002

It is possible with the MC, i did it with my 4k.  Yes one tooth sounds like
a LOT but power still died off before 6k rpm.  Oh yeah, to top it all off it
was a 4k cam one tooth retarded, no complaints from mac-11.  Its not that
advanced to realize cam timing is off, All it knows airflow wise is boost
and temp.  You get the correct fuel - airflow plate, so no problems unless
you have a big cam.       After i installed the engine management on i could
see fuel #s start dropping off after 6k rpm (wideband o2 sensor)  so the 1
tooth retarded wasn't as outrageous as it sounds.  A lot of it is the small
runner IM hurting top end but thats another discussion.  It should be very
beneficial for bottom end though.  Also, no bent valves w/ 1 tooth ret. and
7krpm redline.
  Want a BTDT of 2 teeth advanced?  Well my brothers scirocco 2.0 xflow (8v
w/full engine management)  was timed 2! teeth advanced.  The car had a "rev
limiter" at 5500 rpm (soft rev was set at 6900 rpm and rev cut was at 7000
rpm)  I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't rev out.  It was strange to me
how much torque the car had, stepping on it in 2'nd would get the tires
spinnin.  (NA at this time)  Then the sound like an engine being shut off at
5500rpm at full throttle would scare the hell out of ya.  a couple things
later I checked cam timing - 2 teeth advanced.  I put it 1 tooth retarded,
re-tuned it and the rev limit was where it was supposed to be, power pulled
to ~5500.  And no, the valves didn't bend.   (this engine was designed to
pull around heavy cars, basically the stock cam is for torque, but w/ the
turbo it makes plenty of power now, a 15psi lightning found out...)


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