hall sensor on a '85 4kq? (5 window type?)

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Fri Jan 25 20:00:23 EST 2002

> So, if I don't want my hall signal to advance under vacuum, I should
> disconnect the advance (see question below, regarding the effect of vacuum
> advance on hall signal)?

Yes, or be done with it and use the NG/NF dist.  With programmable ignition you don't want vacuum advance.

> > > Does the hall signal itself change with the vacuum advance, or is the
> > > hall signal constant?

> I meant, is the timing of the hall signal affected by the vacuum
> advance, or is it just the spark that's affected?  Here I am probably
> really showing my ignorance.  I will physicaly look at my distributors
> when I get home to see what I'm asking about.

Mute since you won't be using it, right?

> > > I think I would still have to incorporate the timing reference pin in
> > > the flywheel for my system to function correctly.
> >

Ok, last time, use your dist hall for RPM info, and use a pin in the crank/cam/flywheel for a TDC signal..

> I can't tell if you mean I don't need the specs on the teeth
> regardless of whether or not I am using them for rpm (I can use the
> teeth for rpm but don't need the specs),
> or if I only don't need the specs becasue I can use something
> besides the teeth for rpm, like a cam mounted hall sensor (custom
> on the gear, or a stock 5 window).
> I hope that question was clear enough.

The Mac11 uses the flywheel teeth for RPM info, which you can get from the dist hall, that's why you don't need the flywheel info...


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