timing belt question

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Sun Jan 27 18:32:35 EST 2002

At 8:44 PM +0100 1/27/02, Phil Payne wrote:

>Conti make some fantastic products besides tyres and timing belts.
>Lifting bags for Jumbo jets, condoms for animals, you name it.

Boy, and I thought -software- QA was a lousy task...

Oh, Phil, before I forget, I was troubleshooting my Blaupunkt
"thummer" remote and in the course of researching the issue(they sent
me the wrong remote) I found out that your nav unit has its very own
thummer remote w/specific nav controls, if you were not aware.
Probably even more useful on the nav unit than it is on just a
regular radio.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/bdikeman.asc	(PGP Public Key)

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