burning rubber smell?

Zsolt zed123 at telusplanet.net
Mon Jan 28 10:28:24 EST 2002

I was driving home yesterday in over -20C temperatures on slippery,
winter like roads. I had the diff lock on the first setting, most of the
way (about 150 km). (I like to drive like that when it's slippery even
on straight roads, it makes the car feel stable, if it were on rails)

Just before I got home I started smelling a burning rubber smell inside
the car. It wasn't very strong and I thought it was another car I was
smelling, but when I got home and got out, I could smell it even more. I
turned the ignition off, and the smell dissapeard with the exhaust in
the air. I looked under the hood, under the car, the tires, but I didn't
see anythig out of the ordinary.

I restarted the car, but there was  no smell. What could've caused this?
Having the diff lock on? I also noticed a staticky clicking coming from
where the relays are over my left knee, and my green light on the diff
lock symbol as well as the yellow ABS OFF light in the dash would go on
and off intermittantly the whole trip. (the lights have always done this)

Any ideas?


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