Audi 5 cylinder turbo triggering for LinkPlus standalone engine management

Ken Keith auditude at
Wed Jan 30 11:41:20 EST 2002

Hello Q-list,

I put in an order for a standalone engine management system.  The system can control all the important engine parameters, and even controls the carbon canister purge valve for emissions.  The idea here is to use it on my MC-1 based turbo conversion into an '85 4ksq.  Initially, I plan on using the ignition distributor, later switching to direct ignition if it makes sense.

I was queried by the LinkPlus vendor for information regarding how the stock MAC11 engine management gets it's sensor information.  I got some feedback from the q-list members and archives regarding hall sensor types and operation, number of teeth on the flywheel and ignition timing reference pin location on the flywheel.  I forwarded that info to the LinkPlus vendor, who forwarded it to the manufacturer and was going to let me know what they said.

I received this (quoted below) from my LinkPlus vendor, who got it back from the folks at  It summarizes the built-in capability of the LinkPlus, and asks for more information regarding the hall sensor signal on the single-window distributor on a MAC11 or similar.

I have to look at this and think about it.  It looks like I will need to calculate the position of the distributor window relative to TDC #1.

Which I guess, if that window is "centered" on the 62 degree BTDC timing reference pin and the window itself is 40 degrees "wide", then the window starts at 22 degrees BTDC and ends at 82 degrees BTDC?  Then I have to convert that to a "720 degree scale" somehow?

Any comments, questions, or advice would be greatly appreciated.  Please copy me directly as well if you post to the list.  I will pass along updates as I receive them.



 Audi 5 cylinder ignition system.

  The Link ignition timing software requires one pulse/edge for each cylinder
  at about TDC, or preferably a little before (say 10 BTDC). The actual angle
  is not hugely important so long as it is stable and consistent since timing
  can then be added to or subtracted from this "base" timing as required.
  Note that this "base" timing is what the engine will crank (start) on since
  programmed advance is not reliable due to the irregular cranking RPM all
  engines exhibit. The software measures the time interval between every one
  of these pulses and mathematically divides it into 144 (for a 5 cyl. engine)
  time slots. Each of these "time-slots" represents 1 degree of rotation and
  the advance (or even retard) can be built on this data.
  Note that the Link ECU generates an advance signal by predicting the time
  slot for the NEXT cylinder based on what has occured for the present/past
  reference signal. Some systems start with an advanced reference pulse and
  delay the output signal to generate the advance curve. Should that really
  be a retard curve ????

  (Higher resolution is possible by introducing more  "time-slots"
  as required. For all PRACTICAL applications 1 degree resolution is plenty.
  If an engine requires sub-one-degree accuracy to run THAT close to
  detonation then you had better be VERY careful with every other variable
  in the fueling/timing/control system.)

  In the case of the Audi, the flywheel trigger consisting of 135 teeth is
  used to derive the 5 x 144 degree pulses by running a divide-by 54 equation.
  This division needs to be INDEXED so that the /54 starts at the correct
  (same) place for each engine revolution. The co-mounted, single, 62 degree
  pulse may used to index (pre-set) the count sequence so that the "54th"
  tooth/pulse occurs at some convenient point for base timing purposes.
  Alternatively, the Hall-Effect, cam speed trigger signal can also be used
  for indexing. The actual location (in degrees) of this signal is arbitrary
  but must be consistent at all times. This "720" degree index is prefered
  to the crank "62" degree index since it defines a unique angle within the
  engine's 720 degree cycle which may also be used to control injection
  phasing for true sequential injection, and also allows coil-per-cylinder
  direct fire ignition to be implemented.

  (A "crank only" trigger system cannot run sequential injector timing since
  it cannot differentiate between the two crank revolutions per 4 stroke
  engine cycle. Likewise ignition coils must be fired using "wasted spark"
  method. This may prove very difficult with an odd cylinder number engine
  such as this. This probably precludes the use of primitive engine control
  systems which require the addition of a 58 tooth crank trigger wheel.)

  One further piece of information is required regarding the cycle degrees
  at which the Hall Effect (cam) sensor's edges occur. This must be expressed
  on a 720 degree scale starting at TDC #1 cyl (call this 0 degrees and count
  upwards). Please record the angle at which the magnetic beam is broken by
  the shutter wheel and also the angle at which the beam is restored I.E.
  the leading and trailing edges of the shutter.

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