Hakka dis, hakka dat...

joel nevin joelnevin at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 31 13:32:54 EST 2002

how about a seperate list for just this thread! :0)

--- "Michael L. Riebs" <michael at 1stchoicegranite.com>
> > How about separate lists for all the parts?
> Engine, tranny, diffs
> > (incl. torsen), door handles, power locks, power
> windows, babies,
> > marriage and divorce, Audis in movies, Audis seen
> on the expressway,
> > dead cats, etc.......
> How about a separate list for motors FS, motor
> repair, tires FS, tires to
> discuss, cars FS, car repair. How about we just
> start 174 different lists,
> so everyone is completely certain that they do not
> receive anything in their
> inbox except just precisely the content they
> specifically are interested in.
> No clutter! No nonsense, since you are only
> subscribed to the "1992 Audi 200
> turbo Quattro wagon starter solenoid replacement and
> repair" list, or the
> "1986 Audi 4000 left rear brake caliper replacement"
> list
> Come on - get real! Use the delete button! The
> headlines in digest for the
> marketplace I think could get more people to
> actually look at the
> marketplace. That's a commercial for that site - but
> let's not get crazy
> here!
> Michael Riebs
> Grand Rapids, MI
> '90 V8Q
> '98 A6QA

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