update to urgent help needed - overheat

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Thu Jan 31 15:36:21 EST 2002

Thanks again to all who replied.  Here is where I sit...

Lister Bob suggested that I remove the top rad hose and start her up.  I
did. The coolant came through. Most definitely did not gush. At first it
trickled, then pulsed a little gush and actually stopped flowing altogether
for a bit. uh huh.  Can anyone say 'broken water pump' or 'blockage'?

I also removed all the spark plugs and had a peek down the cylinders with a
very powerful light.  Nothing looked 'unusual' and all the spark plugs were
clean and had the same tan color.  I was looking for evidence of a blown
head gasket going from combustion chamber to coolant passage.  If there was
such a problem I would have seen a wet spark plug or cylinder wall, right?
Because after shutting down the engine, the pressure in the cooling system
should force coolant into the leaking cylinder, no?

Anyway, I have the new water pump - the bearing feels tight, is this normal?
I mean, it won't spin freely, but can be turned with slight hand pressure,
and the new  OEM style radiator ($245 Can ) will be here tomm am. They go in
on Saturday.  Do I need any other gaskets and such to complete that job?
There is an O-ring on the new water pump.

Great thanks to all who replied - all suggestions were helpful in my
diagnosis.  And I was really happy not to hear from 'you know who' telling
me what a useless moron I am.....:)



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