FW: update to urgent help needed - timing belt is new

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Thu Jan 31 16:42:01 EST 2002

Thanks for reminding me Bernard.  I meant to post that the timing belt is
quite new and so not a concern.  I guess that'll teach me for replacing the
timing belt without doing the water pump.  All you type 44 owners, take note
of my lesson.
I've been on this list long enough to know that I would get reminders about
the tbelt while doing the waterpump....


> ----------
> From: 	Bernard Littau[SMTP:bernardl at acumenassociates.com]
> Sent: 	January 31, 2002 1:59 PM
> To: 	Livolsi, Stephane; Audi Quattro List
> Subject: 	Re: update to urgent help needed - overheat
> > Anyway, I have the new water pump - the bearing feels tight, is this
> normal?
> > I mean, it won't spin freely, but can be turned with slight hand
> pressure,
> > and the new  OEM style radiator ($245 Can ) will be here tomm am. They
> go
> in
> > on Saturday.  Do I need any other gaskets and such to complete that job?
> > There is an O-ring on the new water pump.
> You should replace the timing belt and idler pulley as long as you are
> doing
> the water pump.
> The water pumps are a bit stiff to turn, IME.  Yours sounds normal.
> Are you doing the work?  Do you have the tools?  You might be able to do a
> water pump, and not the timing belt, without pulling the balancer from the
> crank. You will need to pull the cam sprocket.
> I would replace the belt, especially if it was used to shear the water
> pump
> shaft or is of unknown age.
> Best,
> Bernard Littau
> Woodinville, WA
> '88 5ktq

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