
George Selby gselby4x4 at
Tue Jul 2 05:20:46 EDT 2002

At 06:50 PM 7/1/02, you wrote:
>Does this sound suspiciously like a clutch master cylinder or is it the
>slave?  Replacement of the master isn't too hard to do yourself, is it?
>The slave seems like a much harder to access hopefully y'all
>will tell me it's just the MC.

Sounds like what happened when the slave cylinder went out on my former
Coupe.  The truth is if either goes out the other is soon to follow, due to
cross contamination, so you should just go ahead and replace (not rebuild)
both.  I had to do a CV joint the same time as the slave cylinder job, and
thus pulled the tranny to do it, but discovered during the job that all
that extra work isn't necessary (slave slid out once I removed the roll pin
holding it in.

George Selby
83 Audi Coupe GT
gselby4x4 at

George Selby
70 F-100 Ranger XLT 460 C6
78 F-150 4x4 400 4 spd
85 Dodge W-150 4x4 340 TF727
83 Audi Coupe GT
86 Nissan 300ZX
85 Chrysler 5th Avenue
gselby4x4 at

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