
scott thomas scott at
Wed Jul 3 10:58:57 EDT 2002

I've replaced clutch slaves in 5k's and 200's.
The 200 is easier. No corrosion, and one bolt.
The 5k has corrosion and a roll pin. If the
slave still works, I'd pop it out using the
clutch pedal.

I've had three slaves go on me and they show the
exact same symptoms. The most recent one was my
200q. It would go to the floor, then give one
inch of stroke sometimes. I flushed the (new)
fluid out and put newer fluid in. Over the next
three days, it came back to normal. I decided to
change it anyway. The 5k cylinders run in the
$40 range at TPC and ZZ motors. The 200 style
ran me $49.50 at TPC.

As far as the seal goes, when a slave goes bad
(typically), the seal on the piston goes and
fluid bypasses between it and the bore wall. I
changed the fluid and that may hagve
reconditioned the seal enough to make it work as
new, but that's a sign to change the cylinder
anyway. Took me about an hour. Look for longer
on the 5k type.

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