20V head questions

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Wed Jul 3 18:24:14 EDT 2002

Agreed with mlp, the very early AANs had a distributor for the Hall Sensor,
which was later moved to the cam sprocket.
I'm quite sure of that because I saw my friend's '92 S4 and it HAD a
distributor, BUT the fact is that it doesn't distribute any spark as even
the early AANs had the 5 coild packs. No trace in ETKA whatsoever about the
distributor however...



The AAN head DOES have provisioning for installation of a distributor,
>its just usually capped off.  I say usually, as I had (have)
>very, very early AAN crate motor which seem to have come with
>a distributor installed.  I know some will say that can't, or
>shouldn't be true, but the block was stamped "AAN" & there
>was a distributor on the head which was removed.

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