ignition control module location

Huw Powell human747 at attbi.com
Wed Jul 3 17:08:17 EDT 2002

> I believe that I also need to replace my ignition control module on my 89 90q.
> I've been having some erratic ignition cutting out that has turned into every 5
> or 10 highway miles (on my way home from chicago to dayton).  I was just
> wondering where it is located.  I thought that it was behind the glove box, but
> my mechanic is saying that it's in a kick panel behind a door or something.  I
> need to get the number off it for replacement.

it is behind the little kick panel that is just ahead of the right side
front door.  A bit larger than a pack of cigarettes, and in a plastic
bag that helps concentrate windsheild leaks into its circuitry.

Huw Powell



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