O2 sensors replaced: It's a puppy again!
Mike Del Tergo
mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 4 04:42:56 EDT 2002
>My Bosch tech rep, a guy I've dealt with for 29 years, a former Bosch
instructor and a career Bosch guy, begs to differ with you. ...
IMO you're making statements that are supported by anecdotal information,
not scientific research. John
>Actually it's not a myth. The difference is the type of connector or the >
>length of the wire. The threads are the same, the composition is the same,
> > the voltage range is the same for single and three wire sensors of this
In my recent search for an 02 sensor to mate to my Stoich gauge I dug around
a bit on the Bosch site and others trying to devine some insights. There is
plenty of info on the net about this. Most of the info on the Bosch site
indicated to me that the internal workings of the majority of their sensors
was as Smitty described. Major differences were of course heated or non
heated, the type of connector used to matke with certain mfgrs and the
nature of the slits in the probe, both absolute number and directional
orientation. I found exactly the same outputs (as seen on my gauge and
multimeter)from a bosch 1 wire and then the 3 wire previously mentioned by
PN. I also read the "other" main mfgr NGK has a somewhat different process
and therefor useable life. I have the luxury of using almost any one I want
since my car does not require one to run properly, but I stand pretty firmly
in the camp that thinks the cost is pretty dependant on whether Bosch makes
50,000 of them for Ford Focusses and mass produced harnesses or 2000 for
RS6's and other very small runs, not on the internal make up or output of
the device. I will not go down the replacing 3 wires with 1, 2 or 4 though.
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