'84 CGT Wiring nightmare

Comcast shoemakersp at comcast.net
Fri Jul 5 15:55:29 EDT 2002

  Thanks for the insights, I am actually encouraged to hear that I am not
the only one with this problem.  I didn't really think I would be.  The last
coupe I poured much time into on electrical problems and they all seemed to
be matters of a poor design.  I agree that I hope they are using better
designs now, especially since there are about 100 times more gadgets to go
wrong than with these incredibly simple coupes.  I was headed down today,
but I am hoping that it will be under 1 million degrees tomorrow.
  My main fuse box is under the hood, you know, right next to the hood
vents, where all that water collects, genius, pure genius.  I am still
wondering where this grounding point #8 is.  The only one that I know for
sure is the one in the drivers footwell, cause that one kept my windows from
working for 6 months, cause the connector popped off.
Thanks again

>>  This is where all of the non-working stuff comes in.  Looking at the
>Bentley diagrams I see that all of my problem children run off of the load
>reduction relay.  I swapped it for a known good unit from another car with
>no effect (yes I took my cheater wire off first).  L



The entire X-load path is driven from this switch.
In particular the A/C- rad fan pulls full current through this circuit.
I've had more than one fail. ( last one MELTED the nylon switch
body when the contacts got toooooo hot after running 400+ miles on full
A/C at night - basically full load electrical test for 7+ hours.

Which electrical box do you have - the one mounted in the engine bay or the
located inside above the drivers feet ? ( note there is an Aux panel also
located there
with either main box)
I ask because you can never count out a main fuse box failure.
The early cars had the VW style ceramic fuses and the box design
was crap. In fact my '81 Coupe "ate" 3 of them before I re-wired a number
of circuits to by-pass the box and eliminate the problems. ( mostly hi-load
stuff like A/C-rad and fuel pump stuff).

I'd like to know what idiot "engineer" at Audi  designed these electrical
The wire gauge is all too small and the connectors are really crappy.
Arrrrrghghh.  Thank god I'm an EE/ME/CS  or I'd have long since chucked
Audi's as being an electrical nightmare. I sure hope the newer ones are
(not that I'll be getting a new one anytime soon. The '91 CQ is about the
"newest" thing I can afford)

The grounds in early 80's vintage Audi's SUCK.  In particular the engine bay
and trunk grounds tend to get very high resistance. This includes the alt.
path and the alt. output connector and wiring.

A good DMM and some long 10ga. multi-strand ( high quality,  low resistance)
test leads
with good alligator clips can be used to trace each circuit end to end.

Any specific questions let me know I've got the relevent Bently and
waaaaaaay too
much experience trouble-shooting these electrical gremlins.
If it's any consolation the Urq's are even worse. I helped several listers
last summer
fix some really FUBAR Urq's electrical problems.

BTDT ^ 3

>>-Sean Shoemaker
>'84 Coupe GT WE 5spd (red, or will be again soon)
>'84 Coupe GT KX auto (white, just had to say goodbye, RIP)

Paul R. Cole:
'84 Coupe (385k and still kicking )
'84 Coupe (SAR) , 85 Coupe parts car
'89 200TQ (WIP- waiting new engine)
'91 Coupe Quattro 20V (new daily driver)
'80 924Turbo ( Carrera  GTR specs)
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