power windows

James Hanson jhanson at westmont.edu
Sat Jul 6 19:16:59 EDT 2002

ok... put 12v across the motor.  nothin.  I assume that's my problem.  The motor
was working just fine two days ago.  Is it common for them to die like that?


Quoting Brian O' <briano_72 at yahoo.com>:

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>  find the second wire that is broke !! or jump the motor and see if its still
> good !!
> brian o'
> 93 90 cs
> 93 100csq
> 91 80 ( for sale )
> 88 944 turbo s ( for sale )
>   James Hanson <jhanson at westmont.edu> wrote: So I seem to have killed my
> driver's window. It stopped working..
> Pulled the little boot off the inside door jamb, and sure enough, there was
> an
> ugly cracked wire. (black and black with green stripe, btw)
> Pulled the door apart, and spliced a new section of (16 ga) wire in. Its
> getting 12v before, in, and after the splice when I push the button. But
> the
> window still doesn't work. What's my next step?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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