FW: 200 Quattro - Changing front shock absorbers

Robert Deis rdeis at io.com
Mon Jul 8 10:35:05 EDT 2002

On Sat, 6 Jul 2002, mark schofield wrote:

> I need to change the front shock absorbers (just the inserts) on an 87 200
> Quattro. Can anyone tell me the hex. I need for the shock absorber cap as
> per tool 2069 so that I can make one up in advance?

I'd have to go home and measure it.. Maybe tomorrow.. I only paid $40 or
so for that tool, and it made the job super-easy-- well worth the price
since I didn't have to deal with removing the strut and compressign the
springs.  Highly reccomended.

  Rob Deis                  "Let the people know beforehand what the law
  MiB3347                      is and what they are to expect."
  rdeis at io.com                              -- 18th Congress, Rec. 75

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