type 85 ignition switch R&R

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 8 22:20:36 EDT 2002

Message: 7
Subject: From: Marc Swanson <mswanson at sonitrol.net>
I had to replace the electrical portion of the ignition switch on my
4ktq (long story) and when I went to go put the ignition switch back on
the steering column I noticed that after everything was assembled there
is about a 1/4" of play if you push on the steering wheel.

let me know what you find.  Each of my quattro's except my S6 had this play
in the wheel, though the 4000's and the UrQ were the most noticeable.  Found
it out one day under hard decel.  On half my cars when depressed it also
beeps the horn.

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