5kcstq coil spring rust, powder coating?

Huw Powell human747 at attbi.com
Tue Jul 9 03:50:06 EDT 2002

>  it will only postpone, dont know why but h+r is the only ones that paints there springs good, you could wash and wax em for years and they still look new !! my intrax were a pretty purple, now about a year later they are a ugly rust color !!! if your concerned with anything more than looks, do not worry, the springs will never rust through, well not while you own the car anyway !!

I don't know how much rust had to do with it, but I have seen broken
springs on normal street Audis (a 4kq front, specifically).  The gobs of
rust due to our local climate (road salt and acid rain) might have been
a factor, perhaps worsening a physical trauma of some sort.

I think the real question to wonder about, is whether the 400 degrees F
used in powder coating is enough to alter the temper of the springs?
Yes, no, maybe?  I'm not a metallurgist, I only played one on TV... and
it was not picked up for a second season...

Huw Powell



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