BTDT rear brake replacement on 95 sport 90 q

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Jul 9 09:04:43 EDT 2002

Well... I've used a place by me quite often.  Just
checked their prices.  Ate rotors: $27.54ea. or $55.08
for both.  PBR pads: $27.54 set.  That's $82.81
compared to $221. You could also replace 1 caliper and
still have 20 bucks left.  Or replace both for $100.00
more.  You can decide for yourself.  I have no
interest in this company other than they have always
promptly shipped EXACTLY what they described.  I
figure OEM is what is says on the box/part etc.  Why
the big difference in price?  I don't know.  The place

Jim Accordino

--- John Stanton <jjs3rd at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Well a groan from the right rear yesterday alerted
> me to the need for new
> pads and im sure rotors.  I checked the pads and yah
> they are mostly done.
> I am planning on ordering the Rear kit w/stock rtrs
> & PBR Metal Master pads
> from Blau for $221.
> Thoughts re:
> 1)	Vendor
> 2)	Parts
> 3)	Replacement, any problems getting rear caliper to
> full retracted
> position?  This was a bitch on my 86 4kq a few years
> ago.
> Thanks
> John

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