Regular vs. Xenon H4s

David Miller millerds at
Tue Jul 9 16:34:05 EDT 2002

I recently purchased the cheapest Euro code lights for my '90 80Q - the ones
with just an H4 bulb (I don't do enough non city night driving to justify
the cost of the RS2s).  Now that I've been shopping for bulbs, I noticed
that you can buy regular H4s at 130/80W and Xenons it seems only at 60/55W.
Even figuring in the Xenon's "30%" better light, that's no where near the
regular lights.  Do they make Xenon's in higher wattages?  Am I missing
something obvious?  I'm going to redo my wiring with beefy enough relays and
wires to handle the normal wattage, so that won't be a problem...

David Miller

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