Kenwood Stereo in 5KCS problem

Tom Nas tnas at
Tue Jul 9 23:50:52 EDT 2002

Ti Kan <ti at> wrote>

>I don't see why an power antenna turn-on cannot be used as a power amp turn
>on signal, 12VDC is 12VDC.  Some radios that have a separate power amp turn
>on signal will enable that signal after a short delay to prevent the radio's
>turn-on transient from reaching the speakers.  However most good power amps
>have its own delay muting feature so that shouldn't be a big problem.
>That said, *some radios* will retract the power antenna when you switch to
>CD or tape mode, and in those cases you shouldn't use the antenna enable
>as the power amp turn-on signal lead for obvious reasons.

Generally, radios with RDS keep the antenna up when you're playing a
CD/tape because they're 'listening' to the TA signal.

Ask my brother how he found that out in the car wash. :-(

Regards, Tom

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