Does anybody have a BTDT on the Haltech E6K?

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Wed Jul 10 08:53:41 EDT 2002

--- passat TS <passat_ts at> wrote:
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> or
> Do you know anybody using it?
> It looks like a good option to ditch CIS and co.

I'm running an IG5 which is basicaly the ignition side
of the E6K.  If you missed my recent post on it, here
it is.

I think it's OK for ignition, has some cool outputs
that can be used, but the software does suck compared
to my 034EFI fuel software.  I will say that once you
have it tunned in it works really well.  I have a trim
knob hooked up that will retard or advance ignition 7
degrees each way in case you get a bad tank of gas or
feel like putting race fuel in.  For the price of the
E6K, I think you can get systems that are easier to tune.

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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