FW: Who Yields?

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Wed Jul 10 19:10:11 EDT 2002

I disagree but admit I am not the final authority on the subject.  IMHO The
vehicle who is turning left actually WAS turning left, but by the time he
gets to where you are merging he is now part of the through traffic and it
is the person who is turning right who must yield.  I suppose that way back
when they were deciding where to put yield signs, they decided on this spot
so that if there was a whole lot of cars turning left and right as
described, the left turning traffic would not get held up and hence block
the intersection.

.02 for what it's worth....


> ----------
> From: 	frank j. bauer[SMTP:frankbauer at thevine.net]
> Sent: 	July 10, 2002 3:17 PM
> To: 	Brandon Rogers; a4list; urquattro list; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	Re: Who Yields?
> At 02:48 PM 7/10/2002, Brandon Rogers wrote:
> >Hi all-
> >Here is a question that has been bugging me for many months.  Here's the
> >situation:
> >
> >You approach an intersection and are going to turn right.  The
> intersection
> >has a dedicated right turn lane, complete with a small pedestrian island
> >between the right turn lane and the staight lanes.  The right turn lane
> has
> >a YIELD sign and it merges immediately (no extended merge lane) with
> >traffic.  The lights at the interection are green (both your direction
> and
> >oncoming) and nobody has any arrows--just green.There is nobody going
> >straight in your direction as you enter the right turn --but a car in the
> >oncoming lanes is turning left to go in the same direction you are going
> to
> >be going.  Do you yield to him because you have a yield sign, or does he
> >yield to you because left turn traffic yields to oncoming?
> >
> >I'm sure some of this depends on local laws--but I'd love to hear some
> >thoughts--this bugs me every time I go to lunch.
> your "yield" is to those who have right of way.
> since the oncoming vehicle is making a left turn, it does not have the
> right of way to which you can yield.
> under the circumstances you describe, if you turning right approach the
> intersection simultaneously with another turning left, you have the right
> of way and the yield sign does not apply...
> frank

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