CQ strut housings = 80/90 ones?

auditude at get.net auditude at get.net
Wed Jul 10 20:32:27 EDT 2002

Thanks Chris,

I put more text within your below.

On 10 Jul 2002 at 21:36, Chris Semple wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
> > Behalf Of auditude at get.net
> > Hello,
> > Are the strut housings in a Coupe Quattro different from the
> > strut housings in an 80 or 90 series? Assuming the same vintage, 1990-1991.
> > Thanks,
> > Ken
> We'd need to specify interest in the strut housings vs the wheel brg
> housings, which seems to be more what you're asking about in your other
> post.

Yes, the part that holds the wheel bearing and brake caliper is the part I want to know about.

> Yes, the strut housings are the same(front), the only split being the change
> in swaybar mounting position, which is an external tab welded to the housing
> anyway, easily adaptable either way.

Per what you wrote below, the above must be referring to the top portions?  These must be two-piece
housings, since I need to specify which part (holds the strut, or holds the bearing and caliper).

> "Actually, my primary concerns is regarding the offset of the rotor friction
> surface relative to the wheel mounting surface.  If those are the same for either axle diameter, that is
> what I want to know. Most specifically, would G60 brakes, or RS2/Porsche calipers/adapters bolted
> onto the G60 mounts, work with the same rotors in both applications?  Shoot, I remember there being a
> difference with the CQ rotor, I thought.  I'll have to go archive-diving, as well as check out the 20v
> pages, for that."
> My answer will be no on this one. Based on my recollection playing with the
> Coupe hubs for the Lightweight project. The Coupe  brg housings have more
> meat on them, creating a more positive offset, pushing the wheels out more
> on the Coupe than the sedan. That would indicate that running the same
> caliper+carrier would require a different offset rotor for those two
> applications. As always, free opinions are worth airtime only.

Does the "no" answer at the bottom negate or contradict the "yes" answer above, regarding only the sway
bar mounts being different?

I'm primarily concerned with a brake hat that will let me use RS2 caliper adapters, but do the sway bars
mount to the control arm, or the bearing housing, or the upper strut piece?  I would think control arm.

Where can I get brake hats that will allow the use of RS2 caliper adapters and Porsche big reds, on a
strut/bearing housing that accepts G60's?  Assuming I don't even have the strut/bearing housings yet, so I
can pick the ones that will match with whatever hats are available.

Sierra Motorsport, who are getting out of the Audi biz, had only made two "one-off" custom hat sets for
Coupe quattro strut/bearing housings.  The only other application they've made hats for and have the
specs for, are 5ktq strut/housings in 5x112mm.

I'm interested in a 4x108mm hat to work with big reds on a G60-based strut/bearing housing.  Or, maybe
the correct way to measure and state the "brake rotor offset" so that I can have some hats made up.

Or, maybe I'll have to use 5kt type struts like Martin P. and use the hats that are (only semi) available.  Or
maybe nothing at all. :-(



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