Help - Lotus

Fri Jul 12 16:24:37 EDT 2002

In a message dated 7/11/02 10:38:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
brett at writes:

>  >1.) While running at idle there is the
>  >sounding like a relay toggling.
>  Idle Stabilization Valve, maybe?  Where's the click coming from?
>  >2.) When coming totally off the gas there is a tendenacy to backfire
>  >like.  There is this economy mode, that apparently Lotus added, that
>  >is supposed to cut off all fuel delivery when one comes completely
>  >off the throttle at speed.  Does seem to be doing that, hence the
>  >backfire like condition.
>  This is in most of the CIS systems out there...pretty common.
>  Check the idle switch on the throttle and what is usually called
>  something like "deceleration fuel shutoff valve".
>  Take it for what it is(suggestions from an Audi guy, not a Lotus guy
>  :-) and what it cost(nothin'!), but I hope it gets you in the right
>  direction.
>  >3.) The guy would really like a book or service manual for this
>  >Bosch system, aka the "Bible" showing and describing all pins outs
>  >associated with the ecu.  Seem to remember someone mentioning that
>  >sort of thing here for a Bosch system.
>  Bosch Fuel Injection, by Probst(sp?)  Picked my copy up at Borders, I
>  think.  Front cover is a picture of a MAF sensor with the wire
>  glowing.  It covers CIS and EFI theory of operation in detail, but
>  won't have anything specific to your friend's car.  It is good for
>  understanding how and why things work in CIS.
>     Factory repair manual is probably your best bet for wiring diagrams
>  and such; if your friend balks at the cost, he shouldn't be driving a
>  Lotus ;-)
>    BTW, I could swear I've seen a Lotus Espirit Turbo mailing list
>  somewhere...poke around with Google and see if you can find
>  anything...if such a group exists, they'll be a lot more helpful than
>  us Audi folk! :-)
>  B
 There is in fact a Turbo Esprit mailing list. I was a member until
recently... until a vacation and an extended full mailbox ended the Lotus
portion of my 2 portion mailbox. These are common complaints for the Lotus
K-jetronic cars. I seem to recall that subject(s) surfacing often on that
list. brian

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