Caig specials................

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sat Jul 13 13:15:46 EDT 2002

At 10:42 PM -0400 7/12/02, Frederick Smith wrote:
>located at
>The R5 works as good as stabilant.......for a lot less.
>The survival kit fits right in the toolkit.
>Check it out.

Generally Caig's direct prices are much more than most retailers,
which they freely admit- they don't like to do direct sales and will
happily recommend a supplier near you etc.  Last time I bought, I
bought via with a $20 driver kit that has
every kind of driver bit you can imagine(inc. all the "security"
drivers) and a box of something like 5000 low-lint electronics qtips
for a few bux.

Note that there is a dizzying array of concentration and solvent the part numbers carefully.

The 5% aerosols are generally a good price(under $15 I think?) and
enough to last a couple years for most folk even if in the first 2
weeks you run around the house cleaning the contacts/plugs on
everything in sight :-)

BTW, their CaiLube is second to none for volume controls and other
resistance sliders(like, oh, say, throttle position sensors? :-)

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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