Used Injectors?

Michael Gough mdg3369 at
Sun Jul 14 08:41:08 EDT 2002

> +Pull one by one out of the head and place/aim it into a deep bucket,
> +turn the ignition on (don't start the engine!) and
> +slowly lift the air mass flow sensor plate (located under the big black
> rubber snorkel piece).

It's probably a good idea to either pull all the injectors at once when
doing this, or only pull up the flow sensor for a split second. The problem
with doing one at a time, is that the other injectors are flowing fuel wile
you test each one. This can lead to the cylinder oil being washed out. It
can also lead to bent rods and blown head gaskets when you go to start the
car. All that fuel will be sitting in the port. When the valve opens, it'll
go into the cylinder, and when the piston comes to TDC on the compression
stroke....big problems since liquid is incompressible.
Now maybe you won't be checking things long enough for this much fuel to get
in there, but just be careful.

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