Used Injectors?

TM t44tq at
Sun Jul 14 11:55:55 EDT 2002

I would put new injectors in the car or have the old ones reconditioned
at a place

My old 5ktq had hot running problems- it would not start sometimes with
the engine
hot- vapor lock. Even when it would start, it would stumble a lot and
generally be
uncooperative. After replacing the injectors, the car starts on one
crank of the
starter, runs much better overall.

Injectors can be had rather reasonably from most of the usual parts
I got the wrong injectors from one spot, my mechanic got me the correct
ones for
a very insignificant amount more, what a PITA that was.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at] On
Behalf Of Steve Sherman
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 8:03 PM
To: quattro
Subject: Used Injectors?

One of my 5KTQWs is in bad need of new injectors.  It has all the
symptoms, hard cold starts, gas on plugs, etc.

I have a fairly new (100K mi) parts engine, with a complete set of
injectors, that "may" be good.  My question is, is there a way to tell
if these other injectors are any good, and is it worth it?


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