Audi Caravan

Mark Friedel mafriedel at
Mon Jul 15 16:03:24 EDT 2002

On Monday 15 July 2002 01:56 pm, Nate Stuart wrote:
> Jacob Behm said:
> > The fourth rudely began to tailgate me and flash
> > his lights until I reluctantly acquiesced my coveted left lane and let
> > him pass.
> >
> > I'm telling this story for two reasons:
> >
> > 1)  Whoever was driving car #4 owes me an apology.  Confess your sin and
> > it will be forgiven you.
> Is this a joke?!? The left lane is there as a PASSING LANE not so someone
> can hog it and make anyone wishing to travel faster illegally pass on the
> right. Smarten up bud. You stay as far to the right as you can while
> traveling, and if you need to pass you lane change to a left lane to pass,
> then when the pass is complete you move back to the right opening up the
> left again for others wishing to pass you, not too hard to figure out....

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It's too bad that here in the midwest we have many drivers that feel it's ok
to park themselves in the left lane for 100's of miles.  On-ramps only happen
about every 30-40 miles between Madison and the Twin cities, so it can't be
that you're afraid of merging traffic.

> > 2)  Why are 6 Audis cruising at 100mph in tight formation across the
> > Midwest in the middle of the night?
> This question comes to mind... why not?! ;)
> -Nate
> '89 90tq

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