LAC! LAC! LAC! Fwd: Re: Audi Caravan
Chris Dyer
chrisdyer at
Mon Jul 15 21:17:14 EDT 2002
I sort of agree...with both sides.
Yes, please all citizens of Earth, move the kcuf OVER for faster flipping
traffic you morons! HOWEVER, no need to dangerously tailgate those who
don't (or can't due to traffic/obstacles/whatever). Citizens of Earth,
please also allow a proper following distance.
PSI back to 0.0.
Today's pratt: saw M3 with an anti-SUV sign that read, "SUVs: unsafe and
ugly." Ok, whatever, I kinda agree. THEN, pratt-face is in the left turn
lane, as light turns yellow decides he'd rather go straight, confusion
ensues "expert sports car driver," still in middle of intersection as light
turns red, cars with green light almost create an M3 sandwich. Maybe he
needs an x5? This was in the American city with the worst drivers (IME):
Beverly Hills. Oy.
>From: David Head <v8q at>
>To: Jacob Behm <poster at>, qlist <quattro at>
>Subject: Re: Audi Caravan
>Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 15:09:20 -0400
>No apology necessary. If you are in the left lane and don't move over for a
>faster car, you are impeding traffic and you are in the wrong.
>You don't own the road, you only rent it. Very little irritates me more
>people who dawdle in the left lane and refuse to move over. If 80 mph is
>'your safe zone' for speeding you can do it in the right lane just as easy
>and move to the left when it comes time to pass... Instead you feel its
>right to impose it on other people. If you are in a state with a law
>passing on the right (most), you have just made the other guy either break
>another traffic law or hold himself to your standards of what is the
>speed on the highway.
>In europe you would be ticketed. In many states here in the U.S. also, as
>the left lane in many areas is reserved for passing only.
>I knew a guy who used to flip nickles out his sunroof at people who did
>that. You make yourself a target for road rage. Stand on a soapbox and
>how 'right you are', and one of these days someone will run you right off
>the road. I'll bet if it was an 18 wheeler behind you you would have moved
>right over...
from chrisdyer at
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