keep right except to pass, was: Audi Caravan

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Mon Jul 15 16:42:59 EDT 2002

Actually, I think it should be "keep right except to pass when other
vehicles are in sight of you."  When I am doing high speed night driving
(rarely ;)), I tend to drive in the middle of the road when there is
absolutely no other traffic in sight, and move over to the right at the
first sign of anyone ahead or behind.  Now before anyone blows any gaskets
on what a dangerous driver I am, think about it for a sec.  First of all,
I'm not a moron (yes, it is debatable) and I don't stay in the middle of the
road on blind curves and other dangerous spots.  Note that we are talking
about 2 or 4 lane undivided highway usually.  By staying in the middle of
the road, you have twice as many options for evasive action if an animal
jumps out (common around here with deer and moose - have you seen what
happens to your car if you hit a moose?) or you come across something on the
road.  The way I see it, there's no sense in wasting a wide open road when I
could use part of it and be a bit safer.

Just throwing another log on the fire......


> ----------
> From: 	Darrell Adams[SMTP:adamsdr at]
> Sent: 	July 15, 2002 12:34 PM
> To: 	quattro at
> Subject: 	Subject: Audi Caravan
> >>  I was in the left (fast) lane as
> >>  I was pushing the limits of 'safely' exceeding the speed limit.
> keep right except to pass, it's the safe thing to do.
> (unless you're on an island country, of course)

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