Audi Caravan

Robert Myers robert at
Mon Jul 15 18:01:29 EDT 2002

At 02:38 PM 7/15/02, Jacob Behm wrote:

>Last night at about midnight, I was traveling from Madison, WI to
>Minneapolis, MN on I-94 in a dark green Acura Integra (it's a more
>reliable road trip vehicle than my '88 90q20v) at a cruising speed of
>about 80 mph when I was unreservedly passed by a caravan a 6 new Audis.
>It was dark but they looked like A6s.  I was in the left (fast) lane as
>I was pushing the limits of 'safely' exceeding the speed limit.  The
>first three cars zoomed past me on the right at a speed exceeding mine
>by at least 20 mph.  The fourth rudely began to tailgate me and flash
>his lights until I reluctantly acquiesced my coveted left lane and let
>him pass.
>I'm telling this story for two reasons:
>1)  Whoever was driving car #4 owes me an apology.  Confess your sin and
>it will be forgiven you.

Ever hear of "Keep right except when passing"?  IOW, if you ain't showing
off stay out of the show-off lane.  It wasn't me but you are owed no
apology, at least by #4.  Now #1 through #3, perhaps.  They were passing,
unsafely, on the right because, I might add, you were in a lane where you
shouldn't have been.

>2)  Why are 6 Audis cruising at 100mph in tight formation across the
>Midwest in the middle of the night?

I'd guess because it is fun.

>- Jacob Behm
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  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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