Audi Caravan
Steve Marinello
smarinello at
Mon Jul 15 18:32:34 EDT 2002
Just to add another point, although not really another viewpoint...
I WILL cruise in the fast lane when there isn't a lot of traffic for one
very good reason. Here in Louisiana, the condition of the right lane is
rarely conducive to safe high speed travel for any significant distance and
I'd rather not get too jolted or have to fight to control the car,
particularly in the late p.m. or early a.m.. Six years ago, they resurfaced
I12, but they let the truckers on it too early and there were tire troughs
in less than a week. Two years ago, they redid it again and got it right.
Unfortunately, that was just for the stretch between here and Baton Rouge.
Points west still make me wish I had a spare urS-car with a little less
sporty suspension.
Also, you'd be amazed at what jumps out of the woods onto the highways
around here.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Riebs / Audi V8" <AudiV8 at>
To: "Marc Swanson" <mswanson at>; "David Head" <v8q at>
Cc: "Jacob Behm" <poster at>; "qlist" <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: Audi Caravan
> > While I mostly agree with you, some tolerance needs to be given for
> > situations where say, traffic in the left lane is moving at 60 on a
> > 65mph 2 lanes each direction road and you move over to pass at say 75.
> See, the problem is, that this was not the situation, as we are told it. I
> believe the quote goes something like "at a cruising speed of about 80 mph
> when I was unreservedly passed by a caravan a 6 new Audis. It was dark but
> they looked like A6s. I was in the left (fast) lane as I was pushing the
> limits of 'safely' exceeding the speed limit. The first three cars zoomed
> past me on the right at a speed exceeding mine by at least 20 mph."
> In other words, there was NO traffic in the right lane, since the first
> three could "zoom past on the right", at 20Mph higher speed. Jacob was
> in the left lane because he felt like being there, and for no other good
> reason at all!
> Michael L. Riebs
> Grand Rapids, Michigan
> '90 V8Q
> '98 A6QA
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