Flywheel timing pins and sensor was: Help!!! 5KCSQ wont

Ben Swann bswann at
Tue Jul 16 18:20:49 EDT 2002

Don't have much time, but I'll offer in short..

1)  Pull codes  - crank/no start & leave ign. on.  This may lead you
somewhere.  I had gotten a Hall sensor out of window when I did my major
work - there is not much room for error.

Your reference sensors are important to assuring the correct firing
sequence.  Make sure that the reference pins are still on the flywheel.
 You may have to remove the starter to verify, or remove the sensor(s) and
observe they are there.

Let us know if you get any codes.  Someone here will be able to look them


[I seem to recall that there's no way to put the flywheel on "rotated one
bolt off" its proper orientation.  But you could have disturbed the sensor
or wiring???

At 05:07 PM 07/16/2002 +0000, Adam Jansen wrote:

>OK after feedback from several listers I am thinking that the car not
>starting may have something to do with the timing pins and sensor.
>I am pretty sure the flywheel went back on with the same orientation but
>what would happen if it was rotated one bolt hole in either direction?
>Would that cause the car to not fire at the correct time (or are the pins
>evenly spaced regardless of flywheel orientation)?  How do I check this?
>And for the sensor, how can I check to see if it is "adjusted" correctly?
>Any way of checking to make sure it is picking up the signal?]

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