What happened to http://acsource.com/? FW: failure notice

David.Ullrich at ferguson.com David.Ullrich at ferguson.com
Thu Jul 18 10:32:45 EDT 2002

Anybody know what happened to http://acsource.com/? They appear to be out of business and I think I just got screwed on an order. See below...


-----Original Message-----
From: MAILER-DAEMON at acsource.com [mailto:MAILER-DAEMON at acsource.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 9:29 AM
To: David Ullrich - 0018 HQ
Subject: failure notice

Sorry, unable to deliver your message to ww2 at acsource.com for
the following reason:

 552 Quota violation for ww2 at acsource.com

A copy of the original message below this line:

Return-Path: <David.Ullrich at ferguson.com>
Received: from maildap.ferguson.com ([])
	by severus.mspring.net (Earthlink Mail Service) with ESMTP id ujdgk4.rnm.37kbpqa
	for <sales at acsource.com>; Thu, 18 Jul 2002 09:28:36 -0400 (EDT)
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Disposition-Notification-To: <David.Ullrich at ferguson.com>
Subject: Order problem, please call me!
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 09:28:29 -0400
Message-ID: <868DAE493C0B374C8B64840C624451D3174D45 at fei0018m001.hq.ferg.com>
Thread-Topic: Order problem, please call me!
Thread-Index: AcIuXwDUZH2BVoQxTLeWOQ/uTLo8eg==
X-Priority: 1
Priority: Urgent
Importance: high
From: <David.Ullrich at ferguson.com>
To: <sales at acsource.com>

Early last week, I placed an order via your web page for a can of =
QuickBoost. The tracking ID is bffu7576. I have not received the product =
yet. I never received the confirmation e-mail. I have filled out the =
form on your web page twice and called and left messages twice also and =
never got a call back or reply. If you are sending e-mails, I am not =
getting them for some reason. And now when I call the number listed on =
your page (602) 571-9494 I get a recording that the wireless number I =
have called has been disconnected. Please call me with a status at =


David Ullrich
Telecom Analyst
Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.

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