door mirror replacement

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Jul 18 11:43:25 EDT 2002

Not sure you can do this, Ron.  The '87 through early '89 mirrors attach
differently than the later models.  Bentley for each model range ('84- '88
& '89-91) describe different attachment methods:  The earlier cars (through
early '89) use a ring you can turn counterclockwise using a small
screwdriver through a slot in the bottom of the housing to release the
glass, and then there are alignment pins, apparently on the back of the
glass, to catch in the fastening mechanism.  The later '89-on models are
taken off by prying with a "special tool #80-200 or equivalent" whatever
that is.  Bentley suggests taping the top and bottom of the housing to
protect it and then prying at the top and bottom with this tool.  The
mirror glass attaches inside with clips that appear to be different from
the pins in the earlier models.  I've not BTDT, but I'd like to exchange
the good, clear mirror glass on my '86 parts 5ktq for the partially
obscured glass on my wife's V8 if you find a way to make it work.

At 08:57 AM 07/18/2002 -0500, Ron Soderberg wrote:

>I  looking for advice for replacing the door mirror on a 1990 Audi 100.
>I plan onundertaking the task on my son's recently purchased 100 using
>mirror from a '87 5000. I would appreciate your advice for doing the
>Of particluar help would be a step by step description for getting the
>glass off the 87 and 90 vechiles and putting the good mirrors on the
>car. For example, what is the best way to get the four corner clips off
>on the '90 car,and are the clips reuseable for putting the replacement
>mirror on. If so, howdo you reinsurt the clips
>I would like to do the job right and not be left with broken
>Thanks for the help.

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