Questions about buying a new ALLROAD

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Thu Jul 18 15:41:08 EDT 2002

RM wrote:
>I think I'm soon ready to take the plunge and buy a new car. I've given
>serious thought to buying a 2002 ALLROAD and was wondering if the list had
>any rec. on options and if they like the car for what I plan to use it for.

There was nothing in your post to indicate the need for
the ALLROAD's capable suspension.  Do you travel on
dirt/rutted roads? Do you go camping?  Do you live in
the snow belt? Do you head to the mountains to ski
and drive on snow covered roads?

If you live in the sun belt, with little adverse weather
(no torrential downpours that may flood a road), you
may even be better off without the Quattro (did I just
say that?). Then you can look at the new multitronic
variable ratio transmission.

My guess is you want it more than she needs it. You
want to keep her happy?  Get her what she wants.

Be honest with yourself about your needs vs. your wants.
Make that *her* needs and wants.  You'll both be happier.

'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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