Noisey [sic] afterrun coolant pump

David Eaton deaton at
Fri Jul 19 10:04:19 EDT 2002

no, try davies craig.  however, their pumps, being smaller, will require
modification to fit, and will not save you much, if any, loot. <>

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

		-----Original Message-----
		Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:45:36 -0400
		To: Robert Deis <rdeis at>,
			Aleksander Mierzwa <alexaudi at>
		From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at>
		Subject: Re: Noisey afterrun coolant pump

		I think I've read postings about taking the pump off and
putting it in a
		bucket of water with 12 volts applied so you can test its
effectiveness.  I
		also think the consensus has been that when it fails,
there's no successful
		repair.  A couple years ago, there was a bunch of traffic
about using
		Shogun pumps as a replacement.  That might even be on SJM's
		somewhere.   In the end, Shogun quit making the pumps that
worked for our
		cars.  I've not read about anybody else's product as a

		At 12:11 PM 07/18/2002 -0500, Robert Deis wrote:

		>On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Aleksander Mierzwa wrote:
		> > The rotor in your pump might be seized. See archives for
the discussion
		> > of this topic. The pump has a magnetic coupling between
the motor and
		> > the rotor.
		>Didn't find much with "afterrun coolant pump seized," will
keep looking...
		>If this is the problem, can it be cleaned?  How- high
pressure water
		>through the pump or some similar?

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