Please advise on A/C conversion

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Fri Jul 19 09:03:07 EDT 2002

I'm not completely sure.  You may be able to replace it without discharging the system, but the access isn't the best.  You have to get a puller to take off the pulley, then there are four screws holding the coil part of the clutch to the body of the compressor.

Personally, I'd replace the compressor at the same time, but that's up to you.  I know that compressors are available rebuilt at places like AutoZone for about $100 and new for about $210, but that doesn't include the clutch.  According to AutoZone's website, the clutch and coil run $93.
Audi Part numbers are 035 260 811 for the clutch and
035 260 805A for the compressor.

I'd try and do a bit of diagnostics on the system before replacing more parts, but that's one of the things that I would guess could be wrong.

Good Luck!
Greg Roa

-----Original Message-----
From: David.Ullrich at [mailto:David.Ullrich at]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 7:45 AM
To: Roa, Greg
Cc: quattro at
Subject: RE: Please advise on A/C conversion

Yeah, the clutch even sounds bad. It screeches for a second or two every time the compressor kicks in, no it's not the belt. So, I'd bet your right about the clutch being on it's way south. Any clue how expensive a new compressor clutch is? Can it be replaced without dis-charging my system? Got a part number by chance? Or am I better off just replacing the compressor & clutch at the same time?


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