1992 Audi Quattro

Mike Arman armanmik at n-jcenter.com
Fri Jul 19 09:52:30 EDT 2002

>Message: 4
>From: "dave" <davem at electromart.net>
>To: <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: 1992 Audi Quattro
>Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 09:53:18 -0400
>I have found a 1992 Audi Quattro for sale.  It looks good by looking at
>pictures sent to me.  It is about a 5 hour drive away so I would like to
>know a few things to look for before I make plans to view it.
>Being a Quattro, would this car be a 200?  Therefore turbocharged or was
>there a 100 series Quattro for 1992.
>It has 151,000 miles on it.  The air doesn't work.  It had been rolled over
>and so it now has fresh paint.  A light roll.  I am able to view the work
>orders so I am told.  It is an automatic.
>What should I expect from the car and what should I be aware of?
>Thanks for any help.

A "light roll" - is that like being "a little bit pregnant"?

I'll just bet it has fresh paint, too. Why? Well it is to hide the bondo
and and the body seams that don't line up any more because the whole body
is twisted slightly.

If it is a '92, it will be a non-turbo V-6, and it is my understanding that
the early V-6 engines have expensive oil leakage and head gasket problems.

If you can buy this car for $1,000 or less, it might be marginally
worthwhile, but it really sounds like this one is going to be major trouble

Hate to say it, but this sounds like a barely ambulant parts car. Or worse.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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