a/c hose repair cheap

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Fri Jul 19 12:40:24 EDT 2002

if you pull the hoses.
you should be able to have em rebuilt for about $20-30 each.
i did all of the hoses on my 4kq, even remove the hard line all of it cost
around $100.

'86 4kq
At 03:35 AM 7/19/02, you wrote:

>It is obviously summer when:
>80% of the list traffic is air conditioner related
>I start saying to myself - "I have GOT to get this goddamn air conditioner
>Car is an 86 5KS. Has a new GM A6 compressor (looks like a big, black
>torpedo), was converted to R-134 by a monkey-lad who evidently robbed
>enough convenience stores to be able to buy himself a set of gauges and a
>magnetic sign for the side of daddy's car . . . and PLEASE do not mention
>my total lapse of good sense in allowing this clown to touch my car - the
>heat does strange things to otherwise (mostly) rational people . . .
>It worked (!) for about a week, and the R-134 leaked out. The obvious
>question is "where"? What I'd like to do is change all the rubber hoses for
>new ones and be done with that part of the problem - it is possible that
>the condenser may leak, too, but I'm sure I'll need at least one hose, so
>I'd like to do a pre-emptive strike.
>My question is this - about what should these hoses cost? There's no way
>I'll buy from the dealer, so what price range am I looking at for
>aftermarket hoses?
>Your BTDTs are appreciated!
>Best Regards,
>Mike Arman

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