4kq fuel mileage revisited

James Hanson jhanson at westmont.edu
Fri Jul 19 13:29:50 EDT 2002

That sounds on par with that I've been getting.  Driving from Santa
Barbara to Seattle and back next weekend... will watch my mileage.

BTW, my A/C doesn't work, and I'm not particularly interested in fixing
it... any arguments for/against removing the A/C belt?


Brady Moffatt wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just got back from a 1300km trip (Montreal - Cambridge,ON - Montreal). I
> have mileage data for 975km, or about 605 miles.
> I used 91.3 litres of fuel on 975km of highway driving at 125kmh + or -
> 10kmh. Small gusts way above that, but also some slowdowns. Call it 75mph or
> so. Temperature was about 30C or 86F. No wind. No A/C although the belt is
> still on. Car was heavily loaded for half the trip (driver + 400 pounds or
> so). Oil is Mobil 1 15W50. Synthetics (Redline and Mobil) in driveline, too.
> Tires to 33PSI cold all around. Oil temp varied from about 110C to just
> below the 130C bar. Hard to tell what the actual figures were with the
> digibar gauge. Engine temp is a bit of a guess since my gauge reads low, but
> the cooling system is in good shape and has an OEM 88-92C thermostat.
> There! Is that enough data?
> That all comes out to 25 miles/ USgallon at about 75 mph on relatively
> normal summer days.
> I'm relatively satisfied. Should I be? Any recent numbers to compare to?
> Cheers,
> Brady Moffatt
> Montreal, Quebec, Canada
> 86 4ksq, 290,000km
> 86 4ksq, 208,000km parts car
> 72 Datsun 240Z, 180,000 miles
> In early stages of quattrosis accumulatus
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Jim Hanson
Unix System Administrator
Westmont College, Santa Barbara

-- jhanson at westmont.edu
-- (805) 565-6095

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