Stinkin' Turbo (Small K26 20vCQ)

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sun Jul 21 00:26:25 EDT 2002

At 1:49 PM -0700 7/20/02, Pedro Rodriguez wrote:
>My 20vCQ turbo stinks.  Yap, when I accelerate moderately or hard, I get a
>burning or rotted-like smell.

That'd be rich running.

>   I have driven the car about 1,000 miles so
>far.  It drives great, but I am not getting the full 1.5 Bar of boost that I
>should get.  I am getting anywhere from .7 to 1.0.

This is a chipped ECU?

>   I think that the smell might be fuel related as I am not getting a
>full compliment of boost.  I will be installing an air fuel mixture
>gauge very soon.

Sounds -very- much like an intake leak...air is escaping under boost
and causing your rich running condition.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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