3B conversion again, now pilot bearing woes

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Mon Jul 22 01:29:02 EDT 2002

Well, after Javad told me something that made sense, e.g. that my coupe's
original pilot bearing is a 18x24x16mm and that the 200q20v's pilot bearing
is a 15x24x26, I've measured the ends of both gearboxes main shafts and
they measured indeed 18mm and 15mm in diameter...

THIS is something I forgot to worry about before starting the conversion!!

So what could I do in order to have the bigger (18mm) bearing fit into the
3B's crank? Should I drill the crank to the appropriate size? Or should I
try to machine 3mm out of the coupe's main shaft? Could that possibly be
done with the tranny still in the car? I don't really feel like pulling it
out too, that's already too much work for my first engine conversion :))))

Anyway, thanks for your answers again!

Mihnea -still 20vt- and car-less, for how long????? :-)

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