Turbo 4000Q conversion idea.

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Mon Jul 22 13:52:32 EDT 2002

>>4) But yes, it would help weight distribution.
>The Big Payback.
>Has anyone weighed a 10v n.a. engine?   Plus tranny?  A 1.8t?

Hmm, not too sure about this, I wouldn't be surprised if a 1.8t weighed the same as a 10v 5 cyl, those multivalve 5v heads are heavy, the fact that there is less weight as far forward (the 4 cylinder stitting back a few more inches than the 5) *may* be a benefit, but whether it will actually make a real world driving difference is yet to be determined, I doubt it would justify the swap, the tuneability of the motor is a much bigger benefit.


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